The general chalked out his plan of attack.
Here are some examples where " it's" is the short form of " it is" .
下面是" it’s" 作为" it is" 的简略形的一些例。
Compare these sentences with " it's" as the short form of " it has" .
与" it’s" 作为" it has" 的简略形的句一下吧。
Not knowing how to boil an egg is considered shorthand for someone who can't cook.
The short form " it's" is what we call a contraction.
" it’s" 这样的简略形就是我们所说的缩写形。
" It's" can be the short form of the words " it is" or " it has" .
" It’s" 可以是" It is" 或" It has" 的简略形。
As the boy summarised the situation to Winnicott: 'No one else can understand me like bunny can.'
这个男孩把他的情况简略地告诉 Winnicott:“没有人能我,除了我的小兔兔可以。”
" No, " said Harry curtly, then, " let's keep looking, " and he turned away, wishing he had not seen the stone.
SCIENTISTS SOMETIMES refer elliptically to winning a Nobel prize as " the trip to Stockholm" . Not this year, it isn't.
In 1912, a rough version of the map appeared in a newspaper article that cautiously described some of the mysteries behind taste and smell research.
1912 年,一张简略版的味觉图出现在了报纸上,报道小心翼翼地描述了味觉和嗅觉研究背后的一些奥秘。
The short form " it's" is what we call a contraction. " It's" can be the short form of the words " it is" or " it has."
“it’s”这样的简略形就是我们所说的缩写形。“It’s”可以是“It is”或“It has”的简略形。
First of all, I’d like to briefly touch on the background of the new x420 line; how the whole concept has come about and how the new product fits into our existing brand line.