Alkyl indicant is a new non-ionic surface active agent.
A few of the common ones being aminoglycosides—a group of antibiotics, heavy metals like lead, myoglobin released from damaged muscles, ethylene glycol—essentially anti-freeze which is naturally sweet tasting and therefore a risk for poisoning children, radiocontrast dye, and uric acid.
Insulin helps stimulate the liver to store glucose as glycogen in a process called glycogenesis - which is when some of the glucose molecules get linked together with alpha 1-4 and alpha 1-6 glycosidic bonds to form a polysaccharide called glycogen.
It's a multidrug resistant bacteria, and it can be treated with cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and carbapenems in case of beta-lactamase production; only with carbapenems in case of ESBL production; and with colistin, tigecycline or fosfomycin in case of carbapenemases production.