His works show an uncreative imagination.
Weak vibrations are present and can be perceived.Here we will imagine the weak pattern—form of the hose, and an individual perceiving the generalized pattern.There is a lack of further data, no telepathic message being perceived perhaps.
St. Gaudens was a child of Benvenuto Cellini, smothered in an American cradle. Adams was a quintessence of Boston, devoured by curiosity to think like Benvenuto. St. Gaudens's art was starved from birth, and Adams's instinct was blighted from babyhood.
圣登斯 (St. Gaudens) 是本韦努托·切利尼 (Benvenuto Cellini) 孩子,美国摇篮里窒息而死。亚当斯是波士顿典型,被好奇心吞噬,想像本韦努托一样思考。圣登斯艺术从一出生就缺乏,而亚当斯本能从婴儿时期就被削弱了。