But not Mongolia, the president added, rather enviously, that nation doesn't have the suffix stan, and yet foreigners, he said, are so interested in Mongolia.
" Well, this is a puzzle! " thought he, leaning back in his chair, and looking with envy at little Marygold, who was now eating her bread and milk with great satisfaction.
Many armed forces watched admiringly as American naval jets did the lion's share of bombing in the early months of war in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 (and again in 2014).
It wasn't more than a month ago that you were rambling on about how you are tired of living the life of a bachelor and how you envy your friends that have a family!
In our abject moods, we look enviously at those who are presently riding high while failing to consider the hundreds, even millions, of those who have endured destinies ever bit as cruel as our own.