The man is a fossil.
You don't want to say: " you're a fuddy duddy" .
Thus we become, in James's term, Old Fogeys.
An Old Fogey may have become such at seventeen-or seventy.
Mr Smith he's such an old fuddy duddy I can't stand any of his history classes.
If you like words that rhyme, you could call them a fuddy-duddy.
They are no fun at all. If you like words that rhyme, you could call them a fuddy-duddy.
这类人一点也不好玩。如果喜欢押韵的词,可以其为" fuddy-duddy" (老顽固)。
You're a piece of work, you know that? Well, this is crazy, why'd they give you childproof caps?
Then again, some good old fashioned American justice...
还有 那些美国司法的老顽固们。
He’ll never manage to persuade the old guard.
I'd say that you're one of those stubborn people who are not open to suggestions.
我就会以为 是那种迂腐的老顽固。
It couldn't have happened to a better bunch of bigots.
发生在那帮老顽固身上 真是妙极了。
I-I-I don't care if I said some other girl'sname you prissy, old twit!
我是说错名字!有什么不了的! 这个老顽固!
Tried the front way in, but that old stick-in-the-mud of a French gendarme wasn't taking any.
试过前面的方式, 但法国宪兵的那个老顽固的人没有采取任何措施。
'He may be as virtuous as his prototype Timothy; but he's an opinionated old fogey all the same, ' said St. Cleeve petulantly.
“他可能和他的原型蒂莫西一样贤惠; “但他仍然是个固执己见的老顽固,”圣克利夫暴躁地说。
Our books are not dealing with the real things, and for the most part we are not real men either, but just old fogies and bookworms.
我们的书不涉及真实的事物, 而且在多数情况下, 我们也不是真正的人, 而只是老顽固和书呆子。
There is nothing like the medical profession for that: one can have the exclusive scientific life that touches the distance and befriend the old fogies in the parish too.
没有什么比医专业更能做到这一点了:一个人可以拥有触及距离的独特科生活, 也可以与教区里的老顽固们交朋友。