Somehow we'll have to figure out how to build protective and durable structures to shield us against solar radiation, galactic cosmic rays and extreme temperatures swings.
While our modern concrete has the strength to hold up very tall buildings and heavy infrastructure, it cannot compete with the endurance of these ancient materials.
True Invisibility Cloaks, though rare, exist in this world of ours; however, the story makes it clear that Death's Cloak is of a uniquely durable nature.
As we seek meaningful solutions to the challenges of the modern age, the concept of durability emerges as a guiding principle for crafting a sustainable future.
She was a dark, unenduring little flower—yet he thought he detected in her some quality of spiritual reticence, of strength drawn from her passive acceptance of all things.
Modern greenhouses, on the other hand, only came about with the ability to mass produce thin glass panes and iron structures durable enough to hold everything in place.
Designing structures in space is all about mitigating risks and the habitats that we create will need to be the most durable and the most resilient structures ever conceived.