When resonance happens,the induced voltage will reach to its maximum value.Tracking the maximum value can realize the frequency autotracking.
Meanwhile, investors are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into drone startups with names like Skycatch (which creates aerial maps) and Skydio (which makes video-recording drones that automatically track a subject).
It also packs a forward-looking infrared sensor for detecting low-observable anti ship missiles via their heat generation, and a fully automated targeting, tracking, and firing computer that leaves humans out of the loop and can react in milliseconds.
它还包含一个前瞻性红外传感器, 用于通过热量产生来检测低可观测性反舰导弹, 以及一个全自动瞄准、跟踪和发射计算机,使类脱离循环并可以在毫秒内做出反应。