Man has struggled long against the brute forces of nature.
长期以来, 人类一的自然力作斗争。
The Higgs (named after Peter Higgs, a British physicist who predicted its existence) is the last unobserved part of the Standard Model, a 40-year-old theory which successfully describes the behaviour of all the fundamental particles and forces of nature bar gravity.
希格斯粒子(它以预言其存在的英国物理彼得·希格斯的名字命名) " 基础模型" 中最后一个尚未观测到的组件," 基础模型" 已有40年的历史,它成功地描述了所有基础粒子的行为及除重力以外的所有自然力。
Man commonly begs the question again taking for granted that he captures the forces. A dynamic theory, assigning attractive force to opposing bodies in proportion to the law of mass, takes for granted that the forces of nature capture man.