She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb.
Everyone was rushing round trying to get things ready, and he just sat there, cool as a cucumber.
It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella.
" That was dramatic, " said Harry coolly.
" Well, we think he's a bit of a joke in Ravenclaw, " said Luna, unfazed.
" And break it out, and walk off with it for a hundred yards, " John Thornton said coolly.
Dumbledore was striding serenely across the room wearing long midnight-blue robes and a perfectly calm expression.
Ser Gerold went to one knee. The moonlight shone in his dark eyes as he studied the child coolly.
Estella looked at her with perfect composure, and again looked down at the fire.
She calmly wrote out a check for $500 and handed it to Will.
【write】她镇定自若地开出一张 500 美元的支票给了威尔。
But even as white caps ripped across the lake in Anthony Grande's backyard, he was chilled out in front of the TV.
She did not call him; she gave no sign that she was aware of his existence; she merely walked up and down composedly.
I get in that room, I'm cool as a cucumber, and I will lead whatever way you want to go.
People from around the world commented about how calm she and her friend in the tent remained when they saw the lions so close.
There was a stage, that evening, when she spoke collectedly of what had happened, though with a certain terrible vivacity.
And as he spoke he was himself again—quietly amused—cynically unperturbed—characteristically enjoying the situation and my surprise.
And when Will had left the room, she looked with such calm self-possession at Sir James, saying, " How is Celia" ?
当威尔离开房间时, 她镇定自若地看着詹姆斯爵士, 说道:“西莉亚怎么样了?
Her hair shorn in preparation for execution, she sat stoically in her carriage on the ride to the guillotine platform where she would meet her fate.
' She had had the presence of mind to call down to reception, and they had asked a porter to help lift him.
Estella smiled with perfect composure, and said she had no doubt of my having been quite right, and of her having been very disagreeable.
I, too, was afraid, and what of my discovery of how much she meant to me my mind was in a turmoil; but, I succeeded in answering quite calmly
我也害怕,因为发现了她对我有多么重要,我心里一片混乱。 但是我还能泰然自若地回答。
The latter turned his eyes upon him in silence, and then replied with perfect composure; " No one will now marry her, and she will marry no one" .
后者默地转过头看着他, 然后镇定自若地回答道: “现在没有人会娶她,她也不会嫁给任何人” 。
Here, you try but fail to resist the urge to mention that Frida herself didn't really have the structural integrity to make the trip of life, but she did so anyway, and with aplomb.
在这里, 你试图但无法抗拒提及弗里达本人并不真正具备完成人生旅程的结构完整性,但她无论如何还是泰然自若地这样做了。