Epigyny The type of flower structure in which the perianth and androecium are inserted above the gynoecium, giving an inferior ovary, fused with the receptacle.
But at his departure the little maiden took an Elder-blossom from her bosom, and gave it him to keep; and it was placed between the leaves of his Prayer-Book.
But gravity is fairer than that we can see that the flower is being pulled down towards the Earth, but it's also the case that the earth is being pulled up towards the flower.
When they finally left, the flowers were destroyed, the furniture broken, and the walls covered with drawings and writing, but Fernanda pardoned them for all of the damage because of her relief at their leaving.
I thought it a little too much that he should complain of being cut short in his flower after all, as if he had not been running to seed, leaf after leaf, ever since his course began.