Definition: Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome is the dried rhizome of Cyperus rotundus L. (Fam.Cyperaceae).
本品为 Cyperus rotundus L. 的干燥根茎。
To their delight, they hit upon rubbish dumps in which 700 years' worth of papyrus had been discarded.
令他们高兴是,他们偶然发现了废弃了 700 年纸莎草垃圾场。
That's until papyrus scrolls came along.
Demand for papyrus became feverish, and the price soared.
Now they dipped their noble limbs in your sedgy lakes, and now they paddled the light canoe along your rocky shores.
The highest are set in bleak, rough bowls, scantily fringed with brown and yellow sedges.
最高坐落在荒凉、粗糙碗状物中, 边缘稀疏地长着棕色和黄色莎草。
Papyri containing all kinds of records, not just medical information, are stored here.
包含各种记录纸莎草纸, 而不仅仅是医疗信息,都存放在这里。
More than 2000 years ago, China invented paper as a writing surface, which was itself predated by Egyptian papyrus.
2000 多年前, 中国发明了纸作为书写表面,而埃及纸莎草纸现早于纸。
Egyptians made a kind of heavy paper, from papyrus plants along the banks of the Nile.
It was the ancient Egyptians who first used a paper-like material called papyrus that was made by weaving tight flattened stems of the papyrus plant.
Those with a cynical cast of mind also observed that mummy masks were a great way to launder illegally procured papyri.
The Egyptians wrote on papyrus, a kind of paper made from the pith or the stems of tall aquatic cyperaceous plants.
She now knew what the nightingale was sighing the livelong night, what the songster of the sedges hymned with his plaintive note.
Israel has managed to retrieve a rare papyrus document of about 2,600 years old from its private owner in the U. S.
以色列成功地从美国私人手中取回了一份大约有着 2600 年历史,罕见莎草纸文件。
At present, just over 20 papyri are displayed on the museum's website, out of 5,000.
目前,博物馆网站上展示纸莎草纸只有 20 多张,总数有 5000 张。
I asked Holmes whether one can therefore conclude that the Greens own around 4,980 papyri that lack reliable provenance.
我问霍姆斯,是否可以因此得结论,格林家大约拥有 4980 份缺乏可靠来源纸莎草文献。
And the resulting fragments were almost impossible to read: charcoal-based ink is hard to see against the shiny black of charred papyrus.
The luminous rays wrapped her up with her increasing distance, and the rustle of her dress over the sprouting sedge and grass died away.
" My source is a papyrologist who worked on the manuscript, a man whose reputation is unimpeachable."
She explained how lots of ancient hieroglyphic writing on papyrus survives, and how it helps us better understand the mysteries of the pharaohs.
And depicted here is a scene from his Book of the Dead, a 78-foot papyrus scroll designed to help him attain immortality.
这里描绘是他《亡灵之书》中一个场景,这是一本 78 英尺莎草纸卷, 旨在帮助他获得永生。