8.It's important to note that at the time Canada was in the middle of converting from barbarian Imperial Units over to the glorious metric system for their aviation industry.
10.There will be big gains for anti-EU and anti-immigrant parties of all colours—from the sharp-tongued nativists of the UK Independence Party to the thuggish neo-Nazis of Golden Dawn in Greece.
11.He had suspected for a while that Nancy had become tired of Bill Sikes' brutality and violence, and that she had found a new friend to take his place.
12.She did not hesitate to display arrogance to her new Republican and Scallawag friends but to no class was she ruder or more insolent than the Yankee officers of the garrison and their families.
13.We were in the same Senior Society, and while we were never intimate I always had the impression that he approved of me and wanted me to like him with some harsh, defiant wistfulness of his own.