The workshop is very practical in nature. Lectures are combined with audiovisuals and practice assignments which participants will be able to apply immediately at their workplace.
Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.
63. Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.
Equipped with immersive audiovisual technology, the portal allows for causal interaction between people in different parts of the globe, without the restrictions of a computer screen.
The protocols apply to performers who provide webcast, video, and audio services via the internet and also serve as a reference for virtual anchors powered by AI technology.
Perhaps, but nevertheless, I'm still fascinated by the way a trailer, a roughly 2-minute piece of audiovisual material, can not only capture the essence of a feature-length movie, but on a rare occasion, also transcend it.