The motion picture on the videodisk is encoded as frequency modulation, and the audio signal is mixed with the video signal.
We actually extract audio signals from video signals.
Headphones, firewire, USB 2 ports, analog and digital video output, modem, ethernet for communications. Really nice.
头戴式耳机、火线、USB 2、VGADVI视频信号、制解、通讯以太网。真的非常棒。
It's got firewire and USB 2, a modem, analog and digital video output, ethernet. And it's really tiny.
有火线USB 2,一个制解,VGADVI视频信号,以及以太网。真的非常小巧。
Wait a minute, we just lost two screens-- what's going on?
等等 有两个视频信号丢失 怎么回事?
We'll have a live feed when he greets Weston.
等他迎威斯顿时 就有现场视频信号了。
Once the video signal leaves the control area it heads out to Main Street and you can see there is a projector sticking out of a window.
To make things more confusing, some USB-C cables can be used with a second monitor, while others aren't capable of sending a video signal at all.
让人更加疑惑的是,一些 USB-C 数据线可与第二台显示一起使用,而其他数据线则完全无法发送视频信号。
It sends a video signal-including temperature, depth and directional information-to an operator, who controls Trident remotely via an Internet connection, and sees what it sees through a virtual reality headset.
它能够将包括温度、深度及方位信息通过视频信号的方式发送给操作人员,而操作人员可以通过远程网络连进行控制, 而且会以一个虚拟现实耳机收。