This type of matrix requires a power divider at each input and a multiposition switch at the outputs.
From this point simply swing forward and up and the racquet will naturally become vertical at contact, provided that you swing from the shoulders and do not get too wristy.
从这,假定网拍下面一呎,只是向前和向上挥拍, 如此网拍将自然地中变成垂直,假设你是从肩膀挥拍而且不是太用到手腕的话。
One contact operates like a capacitor plate, the other like a battery electrode.
It's when and where the car actually moves. It's also when you find out how the car performs.
Manual cleaning of high-touch surfaces is still recommended by experts.
Now, the Andromeda Galaxy has reached the point of contact.
74.the touch points are not firmly connected due to long time usage of relay.
It's redefining these micro-touch points that will add up to this macro feeling in the marketplace over time.
The more points of contact your back can have with a contoured and supportive seatback, the better.
Where the rubber meets the road is the point of contact between automobile tires and the road.
轮胎接触地面的地方就是汽车轮胎和地面的接触点(point of contact)。
To activate the grip, the lizards extend and angle their setae to create millions of contact points with a surface.
为了紧抓住平面,蜥蜴伸展并且弯曲刚毛 以便产生和表面的数以百万计接触点。
It's built through these contact points and how she manipulates her body to interact with the floor and the springs.
Wet sponges were then placed between the metal contacts and the prisoner’s skin.
That's what you call guys a cultural touchpoint.
- 这就是你们所谓的文化接触点。
Leaders have about 400 of these touch points a day.
领导者每天大约有 400 个这样的接触点。
The sting causes swelling at the point of contact.
But I want you to think of other cultural touchpointsthat aren't as common as Shakespeare.
At the touch, the sensation of both seemed to be concentrated at the point of contact.
One side had electrical contacts for all 26 letters.
它一面有 26 个接触点,代表 26 个字母。
When you have two grains of coffee, they can only touch at one point, so that's a single point of contact.
The welfare of the sick man obliged us to have points of contact which no other circumstances would have authorized.
All of the different customer touchpoints, I was able to watch that and learn. At General Magic, we learned how to do products.
所有不同的客户接触点,我都能看到并学习。在 General Magic,我们学习如何做产品。