The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke.
An angel writing in a book of gold.
The story was four pages long, laboriously printed in pencil.
I don't leave it until the end because what if you run out of time before you do that, imagine.
In the IELTS test, you will now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
I didn't need to transfer answers anywhere and I could see time left.
At the end of the test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
And I suggest matching all the headings first and then transferring all your answers to the answer sheet.
It is important to copy up your notes soon after the lecture.
It’s best to work in rough first, and then write it out neatly.
Don't leave all your answers until the last moment in case you'll be running out of time.
At the end of the test, you'll be given 10 min to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
考试结束后 您将有10分钟的时间将答案写在答题卡。
But then you're not gonna get extra time to transfer your answers at the end, you must finish everything in 60 minutes.
但这样你到最后就不会有额外的时间来写答案了,你必须在 60 分钟内完成这一切。
During the Rag's first year, the print was purple—those issues were produced on a flat plate of jelly called a hectograph.
At the end of the test, you will be given 10 min to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
And then I go ahead and I look at the words that I didn't know today on my phone and I add them into my diary.
Once you reach the end of the test in a paper-based exam you'll have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
在笔试中,一旦考试结束,你将有 10 分钟的时间把答案写到答题卡。
When you're transferring your answers to the answer sheet, make sure you write them down carefully and it's easy to understand preferable in capital letters.
This would not happen very frequently, since in the long run it involves just as much work on your part, in then transcribing from the machine.
Now that we've completed all the set of questions, I would immediately transfer these answers into my answer sheet if you take a paper-based exam.
Of course in a paper-based exam, you need to transfer your answers but it doesn't take 10 minutes, so you have a bit of time to play with.
当然,在笔试中,你需要写你的答案,但这不会花 10 分钟,所以你有一点时间可以发挥。