The function that literature could vindicate the individual life is generalized "expressing griever, expressing sorrow with disport" and "writing just for fun" by Han Yu.3.
Probably, everyone knew the story: Jiang Yan cam poetize very well when he was young, but when he was old, his poem couldn’t compare with the former one as he didn’t study hard.
One morning, as the charlatan and the foolish King were twirling their twigs, and hopping in circles, and chanting meaningless rhymes, a loud cackling reached the King's ears.
He wrote for no other reason than that he enjoyed writing, and today we enjoy his writing for no other reason than that he wrote so beautifully, generously, and out of the pristine innocence of his heart.
I had hoped then to be able to write a book about him, or translate some of his poems or prose, and even if I could not do so, I wanted him to be with me while I was living abroad.