The cognition of the villagers at Guanlin about the godship of Ancestor Spirit and Guardian Spirit has deep meaning.But their cognition of regarding Guanyu as the God of Wealth is larruping.
His characters exhibit the sheer absurdity of human behavior, and their names often personify traits or social positions, like the downtrodden Bob Cratchit, the groveling Uriah Heap, and the cheery Septimus Crisparkle.
他的角色会反映出类社会中那些荒谬悖理,而角色的字则常透露出个特质或是社会地位,像是《小气神》中被欺压的 Bob Cratchit,谄媚的 Uriah Heap,及快乐的 Septimus Crisparkle。
Although restaurants have prospered since China dropped its covid controls at the end of last year, the gods of wealth have been less kind to the rest of the country's economy—as gdp figures released on July 17th revealed.
尽管自去年年底中国放松对新冠病毒的控制以来, 餐馆生意兴隆,但神爷对中国其他经济领域并不那么仁慈—— 7 月 17 日公布的 GDP 数据所显示的那样。