8.During any given day's practice, you'll eventually gonna hit a wall where you stop making progress whether it's learning derivatives in calculus or kickflips in skateboarding.
10.Suddenly Clare jumped up, leaving his bucket to be kicked over by the cow, went quickly towards her, and, kneeling down beside her, took her in his arms.
11.The deputy was flailing wildly and he'd begun to walk sideways over the floor in a circle, kicking over the wastebasket, kicking the chair across the room.
12.Brienne tried to dart around, but he kicked her legs out from under her. She fell in the sand, clutching the useless sword. Jaime straddled her, and the bear came charging.
13." Your honor as a Lannister is worth less than this" . She kicked over the waste pail. Foul-smelling brown ooze crept across the floor of the cell, soaking into the straw.
14.As they drew near, the cow suddenly gave a kick and kicked over the stool, the pail, and even the milkmaid herself, and all fell on the china ground with a great clatter.
15.Ron seized Scabbers by the tail and aimed a misjudged kick at Crookshanks which hit the trunk at the end of Harry's bed, knocking it over and causing Ron to hop up and down, howling with pain.