The results have indicated that under the actions of WSW winds the contaminants are favored to diffuse seaward, whereas under the actions of E and ESE winds they are accumulated coastward.
28.cease to track satellite in coastal waters , then return to normal working order in offshore waters.
在岸航行时丢失跟踪卫星,然后在离岸较远时又恢复正常Part C: INMARSAT国际海事卫星系统29。the terminal can not respond any signal unperiodically ,switch off power ,it resumes after 5 seconds不定期出现死机现象,关电源5秒后恢复正常。
Countries and companies are also exploring near-shoring alternatives, especially in critical supplies such as food, medicine and energy, where possible.
The weathering of these growing mountain ranges pumped massive amounts of nutrient-rich sediment into the oceans, increasing the productivity of ecosystems near the shore.
(d) (i) A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when she can safely use the appropriate traffic lane within the adjacent traffic separation scheme.
Companies wondering whether to reduce their exposure to China, to create additional capacity in Asia, or to " nearshore" production to North America may welcome new supply-chain options.
Besides, traditional near-shore aquaculture wooden cages are extremely vulnerable against typhoons and large winds and waves and can thus only be deployed in inner bays or harbors with better shelter conditions.
We know that it was a near-shore, shallow water environment, because terrestrial plants and arthropods are found alongside the marine species that make up most of the fossils at this site.
Fishermen say the area's once healthy fish stocks are in danger because of an increase in the number of fishing boats. Across the South China Sea, fish catches near shore have dropped since the 1980s.