They studied the document line by line.
Now, let's look at the syllable structure line by line.
Each line has an even number of syllables, increasing by two until the last line.
If you do that, I will check your practice essay line by line.
Because a browser just goes line by line.
First, what if Hedge went row by row, like a typewriter?
首先, 如果 Hedge 像打字机一样运怎么办?
So let's look at the actual scene as written, and break it down line-by-line.
It then deposits these food inks line by line, and layer by layer, according to the electronic recipe, until the finished product is made.
Are you really downloading your statement - downloading that PDF from your bank and going line by line by line by line?
您真的在下您的对账单吗?从银下 PDF 并下?
As writers read and re-read, write and re-write, they move closer and closer to the page until they are doing line-by-line editing.
随着作者阅读和重阅读、写和重写,他离页面越来越近, 直到他进辑。
I will check them line-by-line; I'll tell you what you're doing right, and what you're doing wrong and I will correct all of your grammar mistakes.
It's a very human situation, and we're going to go line by line so that you don't get distracted by a lot of lines below.
这是一个非常人性化的情况,我将进, 这样您就不会被下面的很多分心。
The other option is to repeatedly follow a fixed path, scanning line by line, from top left to bottom right, and looping over and over again.
I will check it line by line and I will tell you what you have done right and what you have done wrong and what you should do next time.
I'm gonna check it line by line, gonna fix all the grammar, gonna tell you what you're doing right and doing wrong, and I will estimate your score.
You can email me your essays of both types and I'll examine them line by line and give you detailed corrections and comments and I will even estimate how they would score.