They have dispossessed her of her house.
Yeah, but don't keep her all afternoon.
是的 但别她整个下午。
A state game warden was called in to evict the furry squatter.
Oh, so now it's my fault that that lunatic commandeered our safe room?
Can you please explain how, Serena is commandeering the Yale rep while you're supposed to be his usher?
请解释一下 本该由来陪同接待的耶鲁代表 怎么会让Serena?
You guys are hogging the whole bed.
So Laura is telling Jun to stop hogging the couch.
They hog the TV and I can't walk around the house in my underwear.
If someone were hogging the floor, you could tell them to get off their soapbox.
The energetic, sexy dance song was hugely popular, holding the number one position on Billboard's hit list for 10 weeks straight.
Because my boo at home, yeah, my boo lets me hog the blanket, okay?
因为我在家里的嘘声,是的,我的嘘声让我毯子, 好吗?
Felix says it annoys him when people " hog" (hog) more than one seat.
菲利克斯说,当人们“”(hog) 不止一个席位时,他感到很恼火。
Granting that you owed him no gratitude, were you obliged to go out of your way to take his wife from him?
Sometimes he gets in the way when I want to invite someone over and he's always hogging the couch.
If someone is " hogging the seats, " they're using more than one seat, more than what they need.
如果有人“座位” ,那么他们使用的座位不止一个,超过他们所需要的。
Scotland's former first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, was for once glad that Mr Johnson hogged the headlines to divert attention from her troubles.
Mr. Rastatter: See the way we look at it, chocolate already dominates most of your major food-preparation holidays. Easter, Christmas, what have you.
I do, too, but it really annoys me when people hog more than one seat, like that guy over there.
菲利克斯:我也是,但当人们一个以上的座位时, 我真的很烦, 比如那边的那个人。
So, I sit on the couch and I don't let my wife sit next to me - I'm hogging the couch.
所以,我坐在沙发上, 我不让我的妻子坐在我旁边——我沙发。
If you're hogging the couch, you're sitting on the couch in such a way that no one else can sit on it.
You'll hog the table, and worse of all, you'll be guilty of spending way more than you need to for a portable gaming machine.