In the higher sea states, most characteristic values are reduced slightly due to the hydroelasticity and the quais-static results are a little bit conservative.
This means that the way in which denture teeth occlude must be seen dynamically, and not just as a static relationship when in maximum interdigitation.
Moreover, they can be distinguished semantically as the obligatory semantic features of the dynamic adjective are "willed" and "internality", and the static adjective "unwilled" and "externality".
It allows us to see where a patient over pronate or supinate so that we can correct their abnormal biomechanics accurately by applying foot orthoses effectively.
A dynamic game model based on different decision rules is established in electric power triopoly market provided producers make decisions with static expectation and bounded rationality, respectively.
The application results show that the kind of technique can be used in microtest for dynamic analysis on flow mechanism and core thin for static analysis on pore structure.