The preparation of iron fines from pyrite cinderby refloatation was simple and practicable with smallinvestment and floor area, convenient operation andmaintenance, and stable indexes.
Golden minerals in Carlin-type gold ore are dominated by native gold and argentiferous native gold of Au-Ag series, havehigh fineness,and are mainly enriched insulfide facies.
When metal-bearing solution moved along deep faults to cavities or frac tures, the metal cations reated with pyrite and organic matter and precipitated as sulfid...
In the ductile shear belt,the alteration and zonation of tectonite and wall rock are obviously,and miliolite belt,quartz,iron pyrite,ankerite alteration belt and gold mineralization belt are trinity.
There is siderite, iron dolomite , calcite, Barite, pyrite, anatase, rutile, piece quartz, the mica ( or hydromica ), diaspore,etc. in the impurity in the mineral .
The research results show that the main minerals in "Di" of Changhua Chicken Blood Stone are dickite and kaolinite, and minor minerals are alunite, halloysite, quartz and pyrite, et al.
But the waste product that these chemolithoautotrophs make is often in the form of minerals, like rust or pyrite, like fool's gold, or carminites, like limestone.
So you have to store them under oil and these ones have been coated in gold for CT scanning but nonetheless they are you can see that the level of preservation here thanks to this pyritization.