Lana Parilla is the ultimate neighborhood baddie as Rita, a gold-digging femme fatale whose Veronica Lake hairdo and glamorous dresses hide her black heart.
拉娜·帕里拉 (Lana Parilla) 饰演丽塔 (Rita), 她是一个终极邻里坏蛋,丽塔是一个淘金蛇蝎美人, 她 Veronica Lake 发型和迷人裙子隐藏着她黑心。
As they approached the clifflike walls of Black Harren's monstrous castle, Brienne squeezed his arm. " Lord Bolton holds this castle. The Boltons are bannermen to the Starks" .
" Long enough to see that Uncle Damphair has woken more than he intended. The Drumm means to make a claim, and Tarle the Thrice-Drowned was heard to say that Maron Volmark is the true heir of the black line" .
When nine-and-ninety hostages had shuffled by them to pass beneath the Wall, Tormund Giantsbane produced the last one. " My son Dryn. You'll see he's well taken care of, crow, or I'll cook your black liver up and eat it" .
" You are a black-hearted bastard, Lord Crow" . Tormund Horn-Blower lifted his own warhorn to his lips. The sound of it echoed off the ice like rolling thunder, and the first of the free folk began to stream toward the gate.