5.Conclusion The lacrimal pathway obstruction after external dacryocystorhinotomy can usually be cured by the transnasal endoscopic examination and treatment.
6.Method The clinical data of 15 cases with chronic dacryocystisis accepted dacryocystorhinostomy through nasal cavity and lacrimal sac were analyzed retrospectively.
7.Mean difference data were applied to reported standard oral esophagoscopy landmark measurements to conert to standard landmark measurements from the nares.
8.To compare the effect between general anesthesia by nasal cavity blindly intubation with and without topical anesthesia through thyrocricocentesis in maxillofacial operations.
10.(b) of the acute phase (wet period): about 2-7 days, are beginning to have stuffy nose, increased nasal secretions, sneezing and nasal itching, nasal speech was occlusive, hyposmia.