  • 关闭
adj. 遵从,依从,顺从,屈从
副 词: compliantly
compliance服从,听从,顺从;comply答应;compatible可以并存, 相容, 协调;stringent严格;conform符合;standard;acceptable;mandated委托统治;rigid严格;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


myricetin, myricin, myricitrin, myricoid, myricyl, myringa, myringectomy, myringitis, myringo-camera, myringodectomy, myringomycosis, myringoplasty, myringorupture, myringoscope, myringotome, myringotomy, myriocarpine, myrioliter, myriopod, myriorama, myristamide, myristanilide, myristate, myristic, myristic acid, myristica, Myristicaceae, myristicated, myristication, myristicene, myristicin, Myristicivora, myristicol, myristin, myristone, myristoyl, myristyl, myristyl-trimethylsilicane, Myrj, Myrmarachne, myrmecia, myrmeciasis, myrmecochorous, myrmecochory, myrmecoclepty, myrmecocole, myrmecodomatia, myrmecological, myrmecologist, myrmecology, myrmecolous, Myrmecophaga, myrmecophage, Myrmecophagidae, myrmecophagous, myrmecophile, myrmecophilism, myrmecophilous, myrmecophily, myrmecophyte, myrmecoxene, myrmecoxenoes, myrmekite, myrmekitic, Myrmicinae, myrmidon, Myrmoglyphus, Myrmolaelaps, Myrmoleichus, Myrmonyssus, Myrmozercon, Myrna, myrobalam, myrobalan, myrol, myron, myrophine, Myrophis, myroridin, myrosase, myrosin, myrosinase, myrosulphatase, myrothecin, Myrothecium, myrothecum, myroxin, myrrh, myrrhic, myrrhin, Myrrhis, myrrhy, Myrsinaceae, Myrtaceae, Myrtales, myrtanol, myrtecaine, myrtenal, myrtenol, myrtilin, myrtillidin, myrtle, myrtol, Myrtophyllum, Myrtus, myself, mysid, Mysida, Mysidacea, Mysis, Mysolaelaps, mysoline, mysophilia, mysophobia, mysophobiac, Mysore, mysorethorn, mysost, MySQL, Mystacocarida, Mystacoceti, mystagogic, mystagogical, mystagogue, mystagogy, mystax, mysteries, mysterioso, mysterious, mysteriously, mysterium, mystery, mystery novel, mystery story, mystic, Mystica, mystical, mysticality, mystically, Mysticeti, mysticism, mysticize, mysticlsm, mystics, mystification, mystificator, mystificatory, mystify, mystique, mytatrienediol, mytery, myth, mythic, mythical, mythicise, mythicism, mythicize, mythicizer, mythogenesis, mythogenic, mythographer, mythography, mythoheroic, mythoi, mythologem, mythologer, mythologic, mythological, mythologise, mythologist, mythologize, mythology, mythomania, mythopeic, mythophobia, mythoplasty, mythopoeia, mythopoeic, mythopoet, mythopoetize, mythopoetry, mythos, mythus, mytilicolasis, Mytilidae, mytilite, mytilocongestin, mytilotoxin, mytilotoxism, mytolin, mytolon, Myuroclada, myvaseal, Myvawax, myxadenitis, myxadenoma, myxaemia, myxameba, myxamoeba, myxangitis, myxasthenia, myxedema, myxedematoid, myxedematous, myxidiasis, myxidiocy, myxidiotie, myxiosis, myxoadenoma, myxoarchimyces, myxobacter, Myxobacterales, myxobacteria, Myxobacteriaceae, Myxobacteriales, myxobacterium, Myxobateria, myxoblastoma, myxoboliasis, Myxobolus, myxochondrofibrosarcoma, myxochondroma, myxochondrosarcoma, Myxococcaceae, myxococcus, myxocoel, myxocylindroma, myxocystitis, myxocystoma, myxocyte, myxodermia, myxoedema, myxoenchondroma, myxoendothelioma, myxoepithelioma, myxofibroma, myxofibromata, myxofibrosarcoma, myxoflagellate, myxoglioma, myxoglobulosis, myxoglucosan, myxoid, myxoidedema, myxoinoma, myxolioma, myxolipoma, myxolipomata, myxoma, myxomatosis, myxomatous, myxomycete, Myxomycetes, myxomycophyta, myxomyeloma, myxomyoma, myxomyosin, myxoneuroma, myxoneurosis, myxopapilloma, Myxophaga, myxopodium, myxopoiesis, myxopterygium, myxorhodin, myxorrhea, Myxosarcina, myxosarcoma, myxosarcomas, myxosarcomata, myxosarcomatous, Myxosoma, Myxosomafidae, myxosomiasis, myxosporangium, myxospore, Myxosporella, Myxosporida, Myxosporidea, myxosporidiosis, Myxosprorium, Myxostoma, myxotheca, myxoviromycin, myxovirus, myxoviruses, myxoxanthin, myxoxanthophyll, myxy, myzesis, Myzomyia, Myzopoda, Myzopodidae, Myzorhynchus, Myzostomaria, myzostome, Myzostomidae, Myzostomum, mz, mzee, MZPI, mzungu, n, N,N-dimethylformamide, N.C., n.d., N.H., N.J., N.M., N.Y., na, NAA, NAAA, NAACP, NAAFI, naan, NAAP, nab, nabam, Nabarro, Nabataea, nabba, NABBE, nabber, nabbie, nabbing, nabby, NABC, nabe, nabe-mono, Nabeshima, nabi, nabid, Nabidae, Nabiist, Nabit, nabla, nablab, Nable, nablock, Nablus, nabob, nabobery, nabobess, nabobism, nabobship, naboctate, Nabokovian, naboom, Naboth, Nabothian cyst, nabs, NABUG, Nabulus, NAC, NACA, Nacala, nacarat, NACC, NACE, nacelle, nacelles, nacetyl, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylglycine, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, nachas, Nachlass, nacho, nAChR, Nachschlag, Nachtlokal, nachus, nacid, naclex, nacotherapy, nacre, nacred, nacreous, nacrite, nacrous, nacrum, NACS, NACU, NAD, NADA, Nadal, NADC, Nade, nadel, Nader, Naderism, Naderite, nadestryl, NADGE, NADH, Nadia, Nadine, nadir, nadorite, NADP, NADPH, Nads, Nadsonia, Nadsonieae, Nadsonioideae, NADW, NAE, NAEB, NAEC, NAECON, NAEE, naegite, Naegleria, naegleriasis, naematolin, Naematoloma, naematolomoid, Naematosporangium, Naemosphaera, Naemospora, NAETI, naevi, naevoid, naevus, nafalaratite, nafcillin, NAFEC, nafenopin, nafetolol, naff, Naffy, Na-fluorescein, naftalan, naftha, nafthicillin, naftolens, nafton, naftopen, Nafud, nafusaku, nag, Naga, nagaika, Nagaland, nagana, Nagano, Nagaoka, NagaolingFormation, Nagar, nagarot, nagarse, nagas, Nagasaki, nagatelite, nagativistic, Nagel, nagelfluh, nagelschmidtite, Nageotte bracelets, nager, nagged, nagger, nagging, naggingness, naggish, naggy, nagilactone, nagkassar, Nagmaal, Nago, nagor, Nagoya, Nagpur, nagrams, NAGS, nagsman, nagual, nagyagite, nah, Naha, Nahal, nahcolite, nahlock, NaHS, Nahua, Nahuat, Nahuatl, Nahuatlan, Nahum, naiad, naibourne, naice, Naida, naif, naihead, nail, nail biting, nail down, nail enamel, nail file, nail polish, nail varnish, nailability, nailable, nailarium, nail-biting, nailbrush, nailclippers, nail-clippers, nailcrete, nailer, nailery, nailextractor, nail-extractor, nailfile, nail-file, nailhead, nail-headed, nailhole, nailing, nailless, naillike, nailly, nailon, Nailonsix, nailpicker, nailpolish, nail-polish, nail-press, nail-pressure, nails, nail-scissors, nailsick, Nailwort, naily, Naima, nainsook, nair, Naira, Nairn, Nairnsandstone, Nairnshire, Nairobi, nairomycin, NAIS, naissance, naissant, naive, naive realism, naively, naivete, naivety, Naja, Najaf, Najd, Najin, Nak, NakaolingFormation, Nakashima Mika, naked, naked eye, nakedize, nakedly, nakedness, naker, nakhlite, Nakhodka, Nakhon Si Thammarat, nakong, nakrite, Nakshatra, NAL, nalcite, nalecin, nalectin, naled, nalidixic acid, nalidixin, n-alka-2-enal, n-alkanal, n-alkane, n-alkanol, N-alkylation, Nalline, N-allylnormorphine, nalmexone, nalorphine, naloxone, naltrexone, naltropine, nalutron, NAM, Nama, namable, namagualite, Namaland, Namalycastis, Namanereinae, Namangan, namangitis, Namaqua, Namaqualand, Namaqualand-daisy, namaskar, namaste, namatium, Namatoctonus, namaycush, namby-pamby, name, name after, name part, name plate, nameable, nameboard, namecalling, name-calling, namecheck, namechild, name-child, named, name-day, namedrop, name-drop, namedropping, name-dropping, name-form, NameKey, nameless, namelist, namely, Namen, nameplate, namer, names, namesake, namesmanship, namespace, nametag, nametape, name-ticket, NAMH, Namibia, Namibian, Namie Amuro, Namilan, naming, namma, nammet, Nampo, Nampula, NAMTC, Namur, Namurian, nan, NANA, Nanai, Nanaimo, nanandrous, Nananne, nanaomycin, nanas, Nanase Aikawa, nanbacine, nance, Nanchang, Nanchangosauroidea, Nanchangosaurus, nancified, nancimycin, nancy, Nancy Boy, NAND, NAND circuit, nand gate, nandazurine, nandid, nandidae, nandin, Nandina, nandinine, nandrolone, nandubay, Nandus, nane, Nanette, Nanga Parbat, Nanhai, nanigation, nanism, nanization, Nanjing, nankeen, nankin, Nanking, Nankor, nanlingite, nanmu, nanna, Nannar, Nannette, nannie, Nanning, Nannocystis, nannocyte, nannofossil, nannoplankton, nannorelief, nannospore, nannostone, nanny, nanny goat, nannygai, nanny-goat, nannyish, nanny-vision, nano, nano-, nanoammeter, nanoampere, nanoatom, nanobot, nanobots, nanocapsule, nanocephalia, nanocephalous, nanocephalus, nanocephaly, nanocircuit, nanocormia, nanocormus, nanocrystal, nano-crystal, nanocurie, nanodosimetry, nano-dosimetry, nanoencapsulation, nanofarad, nanoflare, nanofossil, nanograde, nanogram, Nanograph, nanohenry, nanoid, nanoinstruction, nanomachine, nanomelia, nanomelous, nanomelus, nanomemory, nanometer, nanometre, nanon, Nanook, nanoparticle, nanoperm, nanophanerophyte, nanophase, nanophotogrammetry, nanophthalmus, nanophyll, nanophyn, nanoplankton, nanoprocessor, nanoprofile, nanoprogram, nanoprogramming, Nanorchestidae, nanorod, nanoscope, nanosecond, nanosoma, nanotech, nanotechnology, nanotesla, nanotorr, nanotube, nanous, nanovolt, nanowatt, nanowire, nanozooid, nanpingite, Nansen, nant, nantenine, Nantes, nantokite, Nantucket, Nantucketer, Nantz, nanukayami, Nanus, NANWEP, naoi, Naomi, naos, naotin, nap, NAPA, napaceous, napalin, napalm, nape, napecrest, napelline, napellonine, napental, Naperville, napery, napes, napex, naphazoline, naphcon, Na-photocell, Naphtali, naphth, naphtha, naphthacene, naphthacridine, naphthacridinedione, naphthacridinetrione, naphthalan, naphthalaphos, naphthalating, naphthaldehyde, naphthalene, naphthalenesulfenesulfonate, naphthalide, naphthalimido, naphthalin, naphthaline, naphthalize, naphthalol, naphthalyne, naphthamine, naphthane, naphthanilide, naphthanol, naphthanthracene, naphthaometer, naphthaquinol, naphthaquinone, naphthathiourea, naphthazarine, naphthazulenone, naphthein, naphthenate, naphthenates, naphthene, naphthenic, naphthenics, naphthenone, naphthenyl, naphthieno, naphthindene, naphthinduline, naphthine, naphthionate, naphthisodiazine, naphthisotetrazine, naphthisotriazine, naphthoamide, naphthoate, naphthodiazine, naphthoflavon, naphthoflavone, naphthofluorene, naphthofuran, naphthol, naphtholate, naphtholism, naphtholithe, naphthology, naphtholum, naphthomycin, naphthonitrile, naphthophenanthrene, naphthophenazine, naphthoquinaldine, naphthoquinoline, naphthoquinone, naphthoquinoxaline, naphthoresorcinol, naphthosalol, naphthosultone, naphthotetrazines, naphthothiazines, naphthothiazoles, naphthotriazines, naphthoxadithiole, naphthoxanthene, naphthoxazine, naphthoyl, naphthoyloxy, naphthoyltrifluoroacetone, naphthyl, naphthylamine, naphthylene, naphthylenediamine, naphthylhydrazine, naphthylidene, naphthylmethylene, naphthylmethylidyne, naphthylthiourea, naphthyridine, naphthyridinomycin, naphtol, naphuride, Napicladium, napier, napiergrass, Napierian, Napierian logarithm, napiform, napkin, napkin ring, napkins, Naples, napless, NAPM, napo, napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleonic, Napoleonic Wars, Napoleonism, Napoleonist, napoleonite, Napoleonize, Napoleonville, Napoli, napolite, napoo, napooed, nappa, nappe, napped, napper, napperkids, napperon, nappie, napping, nappy, naprapath, naprapathy, napropamid, napropamide, naprosyn, naproxen, NAPS, napsilate, naptalam, napthazole, napthazoline, napthoxy, napu, naqua, nar, Nara, Naraka, naramycin, narangomycin, naranjilla, nararno, Narbada, narbomycin, narbonnais, narc, narcan, narceine, narceol, narciclasine, Narcine, narciprimine, narciptine, narcisline, narcism, Narcissa, narcissamine, narcissi, narcissin, narcissine, narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic, narcissus, narcist, narco, narcoanalysis, narcoanesthesia, narcocatharsis, narcodiagnosis, narcodollars, narcohypnia, narcohypnosis, narcolan, narcolepsy, narcolept, narcoleptic, narcology, narcolysis, narcoma, narcomania, narcomaniac, narcomatous, Narcomedusae, narcon, narconumal, narcopepsia, narcophine, narcoren, narcosan, narcose, narcosis, narcosomania, narcospasm, narcosuggestion, narcosynthesis, narcoterrorism, narcotherapy, narcotic, narcotic antagonist, narcoticism, narcotico-irritant, narcotics, narcotile, narcotine, narcotinum, narcotism, narcotist, narcotization, narcotize, narcotoline, narcotropism, narcotussin, narcyl, narcylene, nard, NARDA, nardgrass, nardil, Nardman, nardoo, nardu, NAREC, Naregamia, naregamine, nares, narghile, nargil, nargile, nargileh, nargol, nari, narial, naricorn, naringenin, naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside, naringenin-7-rutinoside, naringin, naringinase, Naringoside, naris, naristille, Narita, Narite, nariteracin, Narithecium, naritheracin, nark, narkosid, narky, NARM, narmco, Narmtape, narobomycin, narphen, narra, Narragansett, narrate, narrater, narration, narrative, narratively, narratology, narrator, narrow, narrow down, narrow escape, narrow gauge, narrow margin, narrowback, narrowband, narrowbase, narrow-beam, narrow-book, narrowcast, narrowcasting, narrow-chested, narrowfisted, narrow-gauge, narrowing, narrowish, narrow-leaved, narrowly, narrow-mesh, narrowminded, narrow-minded, narrow-mindedly, narrow-mindedness, narrow-mouthed, narrownecked, narrowness, narrow-row, Narrows, narrow-zoned, narry, narsarsukite, narstimulan, narstimulant, NARTB, narthex, nartjie, Narvik, narwal, narwhal, nary, n-ary, narzettine, NAS, NASA, nasaiism, nasal, nasal bone, nasal cavity, nasal septum, nasalis, nasalism, nasality, nasalization, nasalize, nasally, nasals, nasaltube, NASAP, Nasara, NASC, NASCAR, nascence, nascency, nascent, naschi, n'aschi, NASD, NASDAQ, naseberry, Naseby, Nash, Nash Equilibrium, nashi, Nashua, Nashville, nasi, nasial, nasil, nasinite, nasion, nasion-manton, nasitis, naskhi, nasledovite, nasmil, Nasmyth, NASN, nasoalveolar, nasofrontal, nasogastric, nasograph, nasolabial, nasolabioplasty, nasolacrimal duct, nasology, nasonite, nasopharyngeal, nasopharyngitis, nasopharyngo-fiberoscope, nasopharyngoscope, nasopharynx, nasoscope, nasosinusitis, nasospinale, nasothurbinal, Nasrani, NASS, nassace, Nassaria, Nassariidae, Nassau, nasse, Nassella, Nassellaria, Nasser, Nasserist, Nasserite, nasslood, nastalik, nastic, nastily, nastin, nastiness, nasturan, nasturtium, nasty, nastygram, Nasua, nasus, nasute, Nasutitermes, Nasutitermitinae, nasutus, nat, natal, Natalia, Natalian, Natalidae, Natalie, natalist, natalite, natality, nataloin, natalplum, natamycin, natant, Natantia, natantly, Nataraja, Natasha, natatin, natation, natationist, natator, natatoria, natatorial, natatorium, natatory, NATC, natch, Natchez, nates, NATESA, Nathan, Nathaniel, Nathaniel Hawthorne, natheless, nathless, Natica, Naticacea, Naticidae, Natick, Naticopsis, natiform, natimortality, nation, Nation of Islam, national, National Academy of Sciences, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, national anthem, national bank, national capital, national day, national debt, national flag, National Guard, national holiday, national income, National Insurance, National Labor Relations Board, national language, national monument, national park, National Park Service, National Science Foundation, National Security Council, National Service, National Socialism, National Trust, National Weather Service, nationalatlas, nationalisation, nationalise, nationalism, nationalist, nationalistic, nationality, nationalization, nationalize, nationally, nationhood, nation-state, nationwide, natirvik, native, native American, native language, native speaker, native-born, natively, nativism, nativist, nativity, NATM, NATO, natolone, natopherol, natramblygonite, natrascorb, natremia, Natricinae, natricine, natrikalite, natrionex, Natriphene, natrium, natriuresis, natriuretic, Natrix, natroalunite, natroautunite, natroborocalcite, natrocalcite, natrochalcite, natrodavyne, natrodavynite, natrodine, natrofarosite, natrohitchcockite, natrojarosite, natrolite, natrometer, natromontebrasite, natron, natronbiotite, natroncalk, natroncancrinite, natronite, natronkalk, natroopal, natrophilite, natrosol, natroxonotlite, natrum, natruresis, natruretic, NATS, NATSOPA, natte, natter, natterjack, natthex, nattier, nattierblue, nattily, nattiness, natto, natty, natuary, natufian, natulanar, natulane, natural, natural balance, natural childbirth, natural fibre, natural gas, natural history, natural immunity, natural language, natural law, natural logarithm, natural number, natural order, natural philosophy, natural process, natural resin, natural resources, natural rubber, natural science, natural selection, natural-born, naturalisation, naturalise, naturalism, naturalist, naturalistic, naturality, naturalization, naturalize, naturalized, naturally, naturalness, naturalpigment, naturalvalue, nature, nature study, natured, -natured, naturetin, naturism, naturist, naturopath, naturopathic, naturopathy, naturophilite, naturphilosoph, naturphilosopher, Naturphilosophie, nauch, Nauclea, naucleine, naucoris, naucum, Naugahyde, Naugets, naught, naughtily, naughty, naujaite, naujakasite, naumachia, naumachy, naumannite, naupaka, naupathia, nauphoetin, nauplial, nauplii, naupliiform, naupliosoma, nauplius, naurite, naurodite, Nauru, Naurun, nausea, nauseant, nauseate, nauseated, nauseating, nauseous, Naussie, Nautamixer, nautch, nautic, Nautica, nautical, nautical mile, nautics, nautiform, nautili, nautilicone, Nautilidae, nautilite, nautiloid, Nautiloidea, nautiloids, nautilus, nautisan, nautite, nautophone, Navadel, navaglide, navaglobe, Navagrahe, Navaho, navaid, navaids, Navajo, navajoite, naval, naval academy, naval brass, naval officer, navalism, navalist, navally, navamander, navar, navarch, navarchy, navarho, navarin, Navarino, Navarre, Navascope, Navascreen, navaspector, navaspectrum, nave, navel, navel orange, navelwort, Naver, navicert, navicula, navicular, naviculare, naviders, navidrex, navigability, navigable, navigate, navigation, navigation light, navigational, navigationalmicrofilmprojector, navigator, navigraph, navimeter, navite, navvy, navy, navy bean, navy blue, Navy Cross, Navy Department, Navy Seal, navy yard, navy-blue, navymotor, naw, NAWA, nawab, Naxalite, Naxian, N-axis, Naxos, nay, Nayarit, naysaid, naysay, naysayer, nazar, nazard, Nazarene, Nazarenes, Nazareth, Nazarite, Nazaritism, Nazca, naze, nazi, Nazidom, Nazification, Nazify, Naziism, nazim, nazir, Nazirite, Naziritism, nazis, Nazism, nb, NBA, NBAA, nbal, N-band, nbar, NBBPVI, NBC, NBDC, NBDL, NBDP, NbE, NBER, NBFM, NBG, NBI, NBL, NBO, N-bomb, NBP, NBPM, NBR, NBS, NBSK, NBSP, NBT, NBTL, NBTR, NBTStat, n-butanal, n-butyl, n-butylamine, n-butylbenzene, n-butylpyrrolioine, NBV, NBW, NC, NCA, NCAA, NCAP, NCAS, NCB, NCBI, NCC, NCCF, NCCJ, NCCL, NCCLS, NCCM, Ncctuidae, NCCW, ncd, NCE, NCEDM, NCEE, NCER, NCES, NCI, NCIS, NCL, NCNA, NCNE, NCO, nconicotine, n-connected, NCP, NCPI, NCR, NCRP, NCRPM, NCRR, NCRT, NCS, NCSA, NCT, NCTE, NCTM, NCU, NCUK, ncurolymph, N-cut, NCV, n-cyclohexylthio-phthelimade, ND, NDA,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
adj. 遵从的,依从的,顺从的,屈从的
副 词: compliantly
compliance服从,听从,顺从;comply答应;compatible可以并存的, 相容的, 协调的;stringent严格的;conform符合;standard标准;acceptable合意的;mandated的;rigid严格的;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标准学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


NDF, Nd-glass, NDI, NDIA, NDIC, N-diethylmeta-toluamide, N-dimethylcyclohexaneethylamine, NDIR, N-direction, NDIS, Ndjamena, NDL, Ndola, NDP, NDPS, ndr, NDRC, NDRE, NDRO, NDRW, NDS, NDSL, NDT, Ndugu, NDV, NDW, NDX, ND-YAG, ne, ne plus ultra, NEA, NEAC, neadend, neaf, Neal, neala, nealbarbital, nealbarbitone, neallotype, neallymalum, nealogy, neamine, Neandertal, Neanderthal, Neanderthal man, Neanderthalian, Neanderthalic, Neanderthaloid, neanic, neanimorphic, neanthropic, neap, neap tide, neaped, neapite, Neaples, Neapolitan, near, Near East, near gale, near miss, nearby, nearbys, near-critical, nearctic, nearest, near-feasibility, near-field, near-forward, near-letter-quality, nearly, near-market, near-miss, near-money, nearness, near-optimality, near-optimization, near-proof, nearrace, nearshore, nearside, nearsighted, near-sighted, nearsightedness, near-sightedness, near-sonic, near-spherical, near-term, nearthrosis, neat, neaten, neath, 'neath, neat-handed, neatherd, neathouse, neatline, neatly, neatness, neatnik, neats, neat's-tongue, neaxkrthrosis, neazolin, NEB, Neb., nebbich, Nebbiolo, nebbish, NEbE, Nebeltruppe, nebelwerfer, nebelwind, nebenkern, Nebiim, NEbN, nebramycin, Nebraska, Nebraskan, Nebuchadnezzar, nebula, nebulae, nebular, nebular hypothesis, nebularine, nebulated, nebule, nebulin, nebulite, nebulitic,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
adj. 遵从的,依从的,顺从的,屈从的
副 词: compliantly
compliance服从,听从,顺从;comply答应;compatible可以并存的, 相容的, 协调的;stringent严格的;conform符合;standard标准;acceptable合意的;mandated委托统治的;rigid严格的;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标准学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


neburon, NEC, necatoriasis, NECCS, necessarian, necessaries, necessarily, necessary, necessitarian, necessitarianism,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
副 词: compliantly
compliance,听,顺;comply答应;compatible可以并存, 相容, 协调;stringent严格;conform符合;standard标准;acceptable;mandated委托统治;rigid严格;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标准学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


neckties, neckverse, neck-verse, neckwear, neckweed, necrectomy, necremia, necro-, necrobacillosis, necrobacillus,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
副 词: compliantly
compliance,听,;comply答应;compatible可以并存, 相容, 协调;stringent严格;conform符合;standard标准;acceptable;mandated委托统治;rigid严格;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标准学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


necrographer, necrohormone, necrolatry, necrologist, necrology, necrolysis, necromancer, necromancy, necromania, necromantic,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,


necrotize, necrotizing, necrotomy, necrotoxin, NECS, nectar, nectarean, nectared, nectareous, nectarial,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
adj. 遵从的,依从的,顺从的,屈从的
副 词: compliantly
compliance服从,听从,顺从;comply答应;compatible可以并存的, 相容的, 协调的;stringent严格的;conform;standard;acceptable意的;mandated委托统治的;rigid严格的;regulations规程;ANSI美国国学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


nectochaete, nectomonad, necton, Nectonematoidea, nectonic, nectophore, nectopod, nectosome, Nectria, Nectridea,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
adj. ,依,,屈
副 词: compliantly
compliance,听,;comply答应;compatible可以并存, 相容, 协调;stringent严格;conform符合;standard标准;acceptable合意;mandated委托统治;rigid严格;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标准学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


Nederland, NEDO, Nedra, NEDU, Nedved, nedymium, nee, NEEA, need, need for, needfire, needful, needfully, needfulness, Needham, neediness, needle, needle bearing, needle biopsy, needle point, needlebar, needle-bath, needlebook, needlebush, needlecase, needlechamber, needlecord, needlecraft, needled, needlefish, needleful, needle-gun, needle-leaved, needlelike, needle-like, needlemachered, needle-mackered, needleman, needle-miner, needleoil, needlepoint, needle-point., needlepricker, needler, needles, needle-shaped, needle-shedding, needless, needless to say, needlessly, needlestone, needle-threader, needlewoman, needlework, needleworker, needling, needly, needments, needn't, needs, need-to-know, needy, Neel, neencephalon, Neenchelyidae, neep, NEER, ne'er, ne'er-do-well, NEET, neeze, nef, NEFA, nefalon, nefandous, nefarious, nefariously, NEFD, nefedieffite, neferine, neflexine, NEFO, nefrix, nefrosul, nefrosulfin, nefud, neg, negabinary, negamycin, negapillin, negate, negated, negater, negation, negational, negationist, negative, negative number, negative charge, negative correlation, negative feedback, negative pole, negative-bath, negative-going, negativegroup, negatively, negatively charged, negativeness, negatives, negativetransition, negativevalue, negativism, negativist, negativistic, negativity, negaton, negator, negatory, negatoscope, negatron, Negeb, negentropy, Negev, negion, neglect, neglect of duty, neglectable, neglected, neglectful, neglectfully, neglige, negligeable, negligee, negligence, negligent, negligible, negociant, negode, negotiability, negotiable, negotiable instrument, negotiant, negotiate, negotiating, negotiation, negotiator, negotiatory, negrepellise, negrepilisse, Negress, Negri Sembilan, Negrillo, Negritic, Negrito, Negritude, Negro, Negro spiritual, Negroes, negrohead, Negroid, negroism, negroize, Negroland, Negroness, negroni, Negrophil, Negrophile, negrophilism, negrophobe, negrophobia, Negros, Negus, Neguvon, Nehemiah, Nehemias, Nehru, nehrung, nehu, NEI, NEIC, Neididae, neigeuse, neigh, neighbor, neighborhood, neighboring, neighborite, neighborless, neighborliness, neighborly, neighbors, neighborship, neighborwise, neighbour, neighbourhood, neighbouring, neighbourless, neighbourly, neighbourship, Neil, Neil Armstrong, neiliaosu, Neillia, neiloid, Neilore, neilsbed, Neilson, Neimenggu, Neisse, Neisser, Neisseria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseriaceae, neisseriology, neither, neither nor, Nejd, nek, nekal, neko, Nekoe, nekoite, nektobenthos, nekton, nektonbenthos, nektopleuston, nekulturny, NEL, nelavan, nelavane,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
adj. 遵从的,依从的,从的,屈从的
副 词: compliantly
compliance服从,听从,从;comply答应;compatible可以并存的, 相容的, 协调的;stringent的;conform符合;standard标准;acceptable合意的;mandated委托统治的;rigid的;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标准学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


Nelson Mandela, nelsonite, nelumbine, nelumbium, nelumbo, Nelumbonaceae, nem, nem.con., NEMA, nemacide,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,
adj. 遵从,依从,,屈从
副 词: compliantly
compliance服从,听从,从;comply答应;compatible可以并存, 相容, 协调;stringent;conform符合;standard标准;acceptable合意;mandated委托统治;rigid;regulations规程;ANSI美国国家标准学会;

a compliant labour force.


children compliant with the parental will;


food which is compliant with safety regulations.


the timid, compliant child of authoritarian parents.



This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.

A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


I don’t respect people who are too compliant.


You don't need to restrict all your code to CLS-compliant constructs;just avoid the noncompliant constructs in the interface.



显示所有包含 compliant 的英语例句


nematocyst, nematocystic, Nematoda, nematode, nematodesma, nematodiasis, nematodiriasis, Nematodirus, Nematodonteae, nematogen,


compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate,