  • 关闭
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


eccentropiesis, eccephalosis, ecchondroma, ecchondrosis, ecchymoma, ecchymosed, ecchymosis, ecchysis, ecclasis, ecclesia,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


ecclesiolater, ecclesiolatry, ecclesiology, ecclisis, ECCM, ECCO, eccope, eccoprotic, eccoprotica, Eccrinales,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


eccyesis, eccyliosis, ECD, ECDB, ecdemic, ecdemite, ecdemonosus, ecderon, ECDIS, ECDM,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


ecesis, ECF, ECFA, ECG, ecgonine, ECH, ECHA, echard, echelette, echelle,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


echidnovaccine, echin-, Echinacea, echinaceine, echinacosid, echinate, echinated, echinating, echinenone, echini,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


echinococcus, Echinocystis, echinocyte, echinocytosis, echinoderm, Echinodermata, echinodermatous, echinoderms, echinoid, Echinoida,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


echinopsine, echinosis, echinosporus, Echinostoma, echinostomiasis, Echinothuriidae, Echinothurioida, Echinozoa, echinula, echinulate,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


echo sounder, echo sounding, ECHO virus, echocardiogram, echocardiograph, echo-cardiograph, echocardiography, echocardiophone, echocinesis, echoeliminator,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,
zhān guāng
  1. benefit from association with sb. or sth.
  2. gain some advantage from another
  3. profit from association with


echoing, echoism, echokinesia, echokinesis, echolalia, echolic, echolocate, echolocation, echomatism, echometer,


寨墙, 寨主, 寨子, , 沾边, 沾光, 沾花惹草, 沾满泪渍, 沾泥物品寄存室, 沾亲带故,