

4 - 回顾 - I need an assistant

The English part audio review Listen to the meaning then say the vocabulary word Money resources, not enough people to do the job understaffed.

It's not a good time now The timing is just not right Remove pressure or stress weight off my shoulders help give me a hand.

It's okay that sounds reasonable higher recruit working too much overworked not enough people to do the job short staffed Reduce spending cut costs Having too many employees overstaffed.

Let's try that faster working too much overworked.

Remove pressure or stress weight off my shoulders having too many employees overstaffed reduce spending cut costs high recruit Money resources.

It's okay that sounds reasonable.

Not enough people to do the job understaffed not enough people to do the job short staffed help give me a hand.

It's not a good time now.

The timing is just not right Now.

Say the word and hear it in a sentence resources.
