

6 - 讲解 - Road Trip

Hello everyone and welcome to English pod.

My name is Marco and I'm Erica Marco.

I'm doing really well.

How about you?

I'm doing great.

I'm really excited because today we're talking about travel.

That's right.

We're gonna give you some real English to talk about travel exactly English that you would use in everyday life that you hear in movies and TV shows English people actually use exactly so why don't you tell us a little bit about this lesson for today?

Okay,so today we are going to listen as a husband and wife get ready to go on a trip all right that sounds a little bit complicated well.

Let's look at our two preview words Vocabulary preview Okay so the first word that we have is road trip road trip road trip road trip,Okay so road trips are really fun and interesting right Road trips are great.
