What Actually Happens When You Have An Abortion?


56 million abortions occur annually worldwide And though opinions on the matter are strong,

many are simply unaware of how they actually work So, regardless of whether you're pro-life or pro-choice:

What actually happens during an abortion? Abortion procedures range from taking a pill to surgical options

often based on availability or how far along a pregnancy is And 92% of legal U.S. abortions take place within the first thirteen weeks of gestation

The oral tablet is effective 49 days from one's last menstrual period Often containing mifepristone, it works by blocking the hormone progesterone

Progesterone promotes smooth muscle relaxation in the uterine wall throughout pregnancy and so the pill causes the uterus to contract

and the embryo to be expelled in what seems like a heavy period Vacuum aspiration is a surgical procedure

usually used up to 16 weeks after conception and is typically performed under local or general anaesthesia

The cervix is numbed and opened wide enough to pass the Slender Tube into the uterus where suction is used to empty the contents

Within the same time line, a D&C or dilation and curettage abortion can be used First, this cervix is dilated using small instruments or medication
