常见易混词综合判断题 Correct or Wrong - Commonly Confused Words Quiz


The director has given his assent to the proposals for the new project. 'Assent' is an official agreement to or approval of something.

'Ascent' is an upward journey when you are walking or climbing. Many species of plants and animals are in eminent danger of extinction.

An event that is 'imminent' will happen very soon. An 'eminent' person is famous and respected because they are good at their profession.

I asked for Sarah for advise on how to prepare for the interview. The verb 'advise' is used to mean to give someone advice.

'Advice' is a noun and means a suggestion about what someone should do. The trouble is the service only runs on alternate days.

If something happens on 'alternate' days, it happens every second day. 'Alternative' means available as another option to the original.

She's never ever worked in an office before. She's only ever worked like a cleaner. The prepositions 'as' and 'like' are both used to compare actions and situations.

The preposition 'as' is used to talk about jobs. They must apologize for the lately arrival of this train.

'Late' as an adverb means not on time. 'Late' as an adjective means after the usual time.

'Lately' means recently, in the recent past. 'Lately' is not used as an adjective.
