

中国钢琴家郎朗 飞跃在琴键上的一双手

Unconventional Maestro CNN Interview with the Remarkable Chinese Pianist Lang Lang It's quite important, actually to have a proper rehearsal right before the concert tonight.

I played my first concert at Carnegie when I was 18 years old, and, from that point on, I fell in love with this place,

because, I mean, Carnegie Hall! When they write about you, they write things like More MTV than Mozart, 、More Bon Jovi than Beethoven,

If Jerry Lewis was a classic pianist, he'd be Lang Lang. Do all these things rest easy with you? Are they accurate when they write those kind of things?

I don't think so. I mean, first of all, that it's nice to hear something, you know, fresh or something different than the normal image of a classical musician.

But I am playing Beethoven, and I am playing Mozart. Well, but why would they write that kind of thing?

Why do you think they have this image of you? I don't really know, but maybe I don't play like what they normally expect.

Can you explain what happens to you when you get up on stage, when you perform? Yeah, actually, that process is the best part of being a pianist, which is when I'm walking on the stage,

it'll feel kind of (like) a time machine. It is a very short walk, but it's so important. You need to have that walk to brings you next to the piano,

and, when you sit down there, you start thinking about the piece you're gonna play. And then, when you start, your finger. . . you know, when your fingers start touching the keys,
