憨豆先生读睡前故事:大黄蜂 Rowan Atkinson | CBeebies Bedtime Story | The Bumblebear



Hello, I'm Rowan.

I'm sure you know that bees make honey and bears like honey.

But bears who like honey don't like to get stung by bees.

Well, tonight's bedtime story is about a very sneaky bear with a very clever plan to get the honey without the stings.

It's called the bumblebear and it's by Nadia Shireen.

Once there was a bear called Norman who loved honey, he really really really loved it.

And he was always sad when it ran out.

But getting hold of more honey was always a bit tricky.

"If only I could be a bee", he sighed "I could have as much honey as I liked." And then Norman had a quite amazing and brilliant idea.

It was an ordinary morning at bee school.
