

Unit1 Festivals Around the World-Using Language

Using language Reading and writing

A Sad Love Story LI Fang was heart-broken.

It was Valentine's Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. But she didn't turn up.

She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be there at seven o'clock, and he thought she would keep her word.

He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.

He would drown his sadness in coffee. It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave -

he wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TV - just what Li Fang needed! A sad Chinese story about lost love.

The granddaughter of the Goddess of Heaven visited the earth. Her name was Zhinü, the weaving girl.

While she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they fell in love. ( “Just like me and Hu Jin, ” thought Li Fang. )

They got married secretly, and they were very happy. ( “We could be like that, ” thought Li Fang. )
