Making the Worlds 2021 Championship Ring


11月7日凌晨,2021年《英雄联盟》全球总决赛( 简称S11 )在冰岛首都雷克雅未克落幕。EDG战队以3:2的战绩获得冠军。而拳头为了这一次的全球总决赛,也是准备了很多的东西,除了奖杯和奖牌之外,还联合了自己的合作伙伴奔驰,一同来打造这样的一款冠军戒指。

We wanted to really create something that is tangible,that is emotionally touching you.

As a moment of glory for somebody who has achieved a world championship.

It's not something that's just going to be given away.

You have to earn it.

And to earn it is a very special honor and something that very few people in the world will be able to achieve.

And so it's unique because it's just not going to be a lot of them in the world.

It is not just another championships ring.

We wanted to honor them with the best possible ring in this world of championship rings.

But it should be something totally iconic,modern,futuristic but carrying the values of the performance of these athletes and what they have achieved.

We're not really interested in what's been done.
