5 如何回答面试问题"你觉得十年以后你在干什么?" College Admission_ How to Answer _Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years__ for Interviews and Essays


Another common interview question is where do you picture yourself in 10 years.

And some variations of this would be "what are your career goals", "what are your life goals".

So they're looking for a goal-oriented student, they're looking for somebody who has that ambition to accomplish things.

But they also want to make sure that you have realistic expectations.

They don't want you coming in saying that you're going to take over the world.

They also don't want you coming in and saying "Yeah, 10 years from now, I hope to be playing video games and living in my parents basement." That's not what they want.

So, the way you should answer it is first of all, you need to understand the career path for the major that you're going into.

You also need to pick a realistic goal.

Pick something that's likely to happen for somebody going into that career path in 10 years.

Here's an example for somebody who's interested in pre-med.
