最强英音:兼具美貌与实力的灵气新生代 Tuppence Middleton










    今天我来和大家说说Tuppence Middleton。她是较为年轻的一代中发音相当出众的一位,也是船长英音世界小伙伴Bernardo的推荐。

Tuppence Middleton 最令人印象深刻的角色乃24集电视剧 Sense8 (《超感猎杀八人组》)中控场能力十足的女DJ Riley Blue -- 一袭白色中短发在主角有八人的剧中格外吸睛,加上她本就端正优雅的五官,收获不少男女粉丝。

除了电视剧 Sense8 她还饰演评分更高科幻惊悚片的《黑镜 第二季》中的 Jem 一角。2019年电影 《唐顿庄园》中 Maud Bagshaw 的私生女 Lucy Smith 以及 《模仿游戏》里小角色 Helen 等都是 Tuppence 比较有代表的角色。


(电影《唐顿庄园》中的Lucy Smith)

  Tuppence 曾经在电视剧《战争与和平》中出演Princess Helene Kuragina而备受评论界的关注,Daily Express曾评论 “Rising star Tuppence Middleton takes on the role of the delightfully evil Hélène Kuragina, who is one half of the incestuous duo. ”。除此之外,她还担任了两部纪录片的旁白配音,分别讲述英国喷火战斗机,和已故菲利普亲王的故事。Tuppence 的可塑性非常强,从女仆到DJ无不告诉观众这位新兴女演员的未来演绎之路,期待她接到更多惊艳的好角色。


文字编辑:Bernardo & Jean-Luc


(电视剧《战争与和平》中的Helene Kuragina)




      Hi, I’m Tuppence Middleton and today I’m at ID audio studios recording the audiobook for the Seven Sisters Maia’s Story by Lucinda Riley.

      It’s really great when an author gives you those cues for a kind of character creation. Often they might describe the sound or the quality of someone’s voice. Sometimes it feels very natural. You instinctively know how to do that person. I think when you’re doing voices of lots of different genders and nationalities, then sometimes you have to be creative and you have some artistic license, and the listener is able to accept that perhaps you’re not a man in his 50s from Rio, but somehow the writing transports you there anyway. So I always think it’s already there in the writing. Those characters are so fully formed that you can’t help make very clear decisions about them in your head before you’ve even started really.

      For this book, I had to perform a couple of different accents. We made a decision that so many of the protagonists in various storylines were from Brazil that it might become distracting to have a sort of non-native doing the accent constantly. So all of those characters became a kind of RP neutral sound. So the accents that were left were really French and German. Both of which I found really fun. The challenge was more in differentiating between those characters because there was probably about four or five French characters. The fun is trying to make them sound anything from a young attractive man in his 30s, to a kind of old sculptor and then a very warm-hearted sort of mother figure. So, yeah, I think that’s fun when you get one accent but you’re doing lots of different characters within it.

protagonist /prəʊˈtæɡ.ən.ɪst/ n. 主人公

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 可以留意clear在对话中的特征,这个细节说明即便在年轻人中,纯正的双元音特征仍然是被保留的。

  2. 留意not和transport中涉及到的/ɒ/和/ɔː/的不同,这也是英式口音中能够被区分出来的两个元音。

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