2 面试中如何回答"你为什么对这所大学感兴趣" College Admission_ How to Answer _Why Are You Interested in This University__ During Interviews


A really common interview question is why are you interested in this university and almost every college admissions interview will include this question.

There are a few other variations that are very similar for this question, one is "How did you decide which schools interest you?" And "Which schools are you considering and why?" What interviewers really looking for here is they want you to demonstrate interest in their specific University and they want to make sure you're knowledgeable on the school that you're applying for.

They really care about students choosing their University because you want to be in that specific school.

And they're also wanting you to show that you have a connection to that University.

You're not just applying randomly, you're not just picking every school that you want to send an application to, you're making a deliberate choice to choose their University because of something specific about it.

So, the way I recommend you answer this is tell them your criteria for choosing a university.

If you're looking for a big school, tell them why.

If you're looking for a small school, tell them why.

And once they understand your criteria, they will understand why their university is a good fit for that criteria.

You should also tell them your research methods.
