

18-10-17 【地道美语071】 火药味英语 •工作发飙 • 同事争执Argument at work

工作中难免与同事磕碰摩擦,或沟通不畅,或办事不力令人恼火,忍无可忍无须再忍,西人职场效率优先,出现问题立即当面指出,少有顾及颜面,在不客气的争吵中找出修正方案,共事双方着手改进,解决问题。典型对事不对人的“办事型”交流方式。今日【火药味口语】还算较为温和的发飙英语了,值得领略一二。  Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群 dialogue 1Mark:  Thisis the room we reserved for your meeting.Jingjing: Thanks ------everything, Mark.  Let's have a look-see.Mark:  Oh, Ididn't bring the key with me. ------------Hang tough.Jingjing: Uh, ok.  I'll be right here, then....Mark:  Okay,so, let me try this key.  Whew!  -------------Jingjing:  ------------somewindows, it's awfully stuffy in here.Mark:  Onlythis --------room can be moved.  Could you hold my coffee for me. ----pryit open.Jingjing: Why don't you put your coffee -------.  Oh, and where is theprojector?  Isn't there always one in the room?Mark:  Nah,that's probably ---------.  You could give Rick a holler aboutit.Jingjing:  --------- hunthim down.  Do you know his extension?Mark:  Not offthe top of my head.  Check the directory.Jingjing: ----------------------Mark: ------------------------------------Jingjing: And that didn't stop you from taking a full lunch break, right?Mark:  Nope. I figured people were doing their job,--------- in good shape, and, ifnot, I could come back after lunch and make it my job—like -------------------------Jingjing: Yeah, thanks for all your help.Mark:  Areyou being sarcastic?Jingjing:  -------------------- dialogue 2 Jingjing: Look, I really need you to get your head out of your backside ------------.Mark:  Hey,it's all good.  I'll run and grab a projector, -------set up things theway you-----------------------------.Jingjing:  Fatchance!  I've got to look over my presentation notes, then chatwith people ---------.  In less than an hour,----------------. Set-up is your job.Mark:  Whydon't you take a deep breath.Jingjing:  -------------- Getthis room ready for the meeting within 15 minutes, or I'll put in a bad reportabout you. ------------------------------Mark:  Thatsounds like a threat.Jingjing: Well, that's--------------work is sloppy.  Now, you knowwhat to do.Mark:  Yeah,actually, I do.Jingjing:  ---------already set up well.  I'm going to open my computer here, and expecteverything ------------------Mark:  Ithought you said 15.Jingjing: Now it's 14—make that 13.Mark:  ------------- I'llsee to it.  You just sit tight ---------------- up tospot.Jingjing: Great.  We're done arguing about it, right?Mark:  Yes. Sorry about the bad attitude. --------n your presentation.Jingjing: Fantastic.  Thanks, Mark.Mark:  Surething!  new words andphrases from dialogue 1have a look-see  lookat something, inspect ithang tough  wait,without doing anything and without being impatientstuffy  a roomwith no fresh airpry something open  opensomething with difficultygive someone aholler  contactsomeone, maybe trying a few different ways (phone, text, visiting)hunt someone down  findsomeone, especially when you have to check several places(know something) offthe top of my head  know something without looking at printedinformationsarcastic  sayingthe opposite of what you mean, in a mocking tone of voice  from dialogue 2get your head outof your backside  (family-friendly version of “get your head out of your ass”)stop acting incompetently and do things correctly from now onFat chance!  That'snot likely to happen!sloppy  carelesslyand poorly donesit tight  wait,without doing anything, knowing that something will be done by others