I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype


在美剧 Glee 中,亚裔男孩Mike说考试成绩"A−"对于亚裔家庭来说相当于"F",这就是“Asian F”的出处。“虎爸虎妈”“数学好”这些刻板印象一直阻碍着亚裔族群融入主流文化。虽然随着时代的进步和亚裔群体自身的努力在不断的好转,仍然会遇到一些让他们感到被冒犯,被特殊化的情况。亚裔女生 Canwen 这一次就来分享她的成长故事。

My name is Canwen, and I play both the piano and the violin. I aspire to some day be a doctor, and my favorite subject is calculus.

My mom and dad are tiger parents, who won't let me go to sleepovers, but they make up for it by serving my favorite meal every single day. Rice.

And I'm a really bad driver. So my question for you now is, " How long did it take you to figure out I was joking" ?

As you've probably guessed, today I am going to talk about race and I'll start off by sharing with you my story of growing up Asian-American.

I moved to the United States when I was two years old, so almost my entire life has been a blend of two cultures.

I eat pasta with chopsticks. I'm addicted to orange chicken, and my childhood hero was Yao Ming.

But having grown up in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Idaho, all states with incredibly little racial diversity, it was difficult to reconcile my so-called exotic Chinese heritage with my mainstream American self.

Used to being the only Asian in the room, I was self-conscious at the first thing people noticed about me was, that I wasn't white.

And as a child I quickly began to realize that I had two options in front of me.

Conformed to the stereotype that was expected of me, or conformed to the whiteness that surrounded me. There was no in-between.
