How Your Childhood Affects Your Love Styles



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Although we have a choice in becoming the people we strive to be, it is without a doubt that our childhoods shape us to a certain extent.

How we choose to react to different situations and the way we express ourselves our behavioral patterns that are formed starting at a young age.

When we first begin to learn how to make sense of our immediate environment.

Marriage and family counselors Dr. Mllan and Kay yerkovich discovered that everyone has a certain love style based on their upbringing.

A love style is comprised of our tendencies and inclinations of how we respond to our romantic partners.

But understanding how we love, we can learn how our love styles affect our relationships.

Hera are Dr. Milan and Kaye Yorkovich's five love styles.

One, the pleaser.

The pleaser often grows up in a home with an overly protective or angry and critical parent.

As children, pleasers do everything they can to be good and to be on their best behavior, so as to not provoke a negative response from their parents.
