What Happens If The Ozone Layer Of The Earth Disappears?


阳光使生命成为可能,臭氧层让地球上的生命有可能存在。随着人类活动的加剧,地球表面的臭氧层出现了严重的空洞, 25年前,联合国将每年的9月16日规定为国际臭氧层保护日。为了人类赖以生存的地球,一起来了解一下臭氧层为我们做了些什么?

What happens if the ozone layer of the Earth disappears?

Our ozone layer serves the principal function of filtering out the harmful UV rays radiating from the Sun.

If ozone disappears, then ultraviolet from the sun in all 3 forms will enter the atmosphere.

The three forms are: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C.

The purpose of ozone is to protect living organisms from the excessive UV radiation which can interfere with the DNA and cell division processes in animals and humans leading to mutations skin cancer, cataract in eyes, weakness in human immune response.

In regards to humans and animals - even with our ozone layer, we can't stare at the Sun for more than 60 seconds without risking blindness - with a 100% decrease of ozone, blindness could also set in immediately.

Also, human skin can burn after even less than a day of being in the Sun - imagine if our ozone layer was to be fully removed.

In a few days, our world will become completely different.

Most of the animals and plants living on the surface will begin to die.

The disappearance of plant life would radically reduce the atmospheric concentration of oxygen and greatly increase that of carbon.
