WWDC21 Day 1: iO—Yes! | Apple


6月8日凌晨,一年一度的苹果WWDC(全球开发者大会)正式举行。在今年的主题演讲中,苹果带来了一系列系统和软件的升级:iOS 15、iPadOS 15、watchOS 8、macOS Monterey等,并没有发布硬件新品。一起来看看,新发布的iOS15有多少新玩意,给用户带来什么新体验。

Hey there, developers!

I'm Serenity Caldwell at Apple.

Did you miss day one at Dub Dub?

Well, let's go back in time.

- Good morning, and welcome to WWDC.

- iOS 15 is here.

Maps got an intuitive 3D redesign.

Safari looks new on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and we introduced the amazing Live Text.

- How cool is that?

- We took FaceTime calls to the next level with spatial audio and Portrait mode.
