

19-1-2 【地道美语082】New Year's resolutions 2019《新年打算》计划别多,做好一个

获取今日课堂完整文本,请关注《英语PK台》公众微信号:英语PK台 关注主持人京晶个人微信:goingforgold2018参与语音互动(验证注明添加原因)临时疑问可咨询新浪微博: @京晶am774 @英语PK台Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群dialogue 1Jingjing: Mark, how'dyou spend the New Year?Mark: Huh? It'sonly just begun. ----------------Jingjing: I mean theholiday, silly! Did you do anything fun?Mark: Nothing toospectacular. -------- late in the evening. We walked around the OlympicPark ---------------- headed home. And you?Jingjing: Some friendsreserved KTV for the wee hours of the morning. -------- get up at1:30 and head out to meet them. -------------------.Mark: Ha ha. -------------needed to catch your Zs more than you needed a late night out.Jingjing: Yeah, I guess. -------New Year's resolutions for this year.Mark: Oh, I haven'treally thought about them much.Jingjing: ------------- Whatwere they last year?Mark: Well, I resolvedto------------on my phone. But I'm still as addicted as ever to those.Jingjing: ------------------------------------Mark: Hmm. Hey, Istopped drinking alcohol.Jingjing: Really? I never knew you as a heavy drinker.Mark: I was, ----------. Now, I haven't had any alcohol --------September—------a sip or two atChristmas.Jingjing: I'm happy foryou, Mark. ----------, and quit drinking in 2018. Keep up the goodhealth!Mark: Thanks, Jingjing. Tell me about your resolutions.Jingjing: You alwaysmake me guess.-------------------dialogue 2Jingjing: Ready toguess?Mark: I seem toremember ---------------. But I'll take a stab at it.Jingjing: Do I need togive you a hint?Mark: Well,-----------------------------------Jingjing: I'd say so;but that's totally vague. Here's my hint: ------------Mark: Um, have you------------tohave more adventures in 2019?Jingjing: Yeah, that'spretty much it. You know, ---------, got to see Europe. It wasexciting.Mark: I thought you just-------- England and Ireland.Jingjing: Yeah, but thatwas so rushed. --------- work, I felt like it hadn't really happened.Mark: Yeah, jet lag willdo that to --------- in Europe?Jingjing: 10 days! So, I've resolved to make a trip like that, at least once a year. Even if I travel domestically,-------------------------Mark: I'm with you onthat. So, how will you decide where to go?Jingjing: I alwaysthought it was cool, in movies, -----a dart at a globe and then picked their -----------------where the dart hit.Mark: Chances are,you'll spend 10 days in the ocean.Jingjing: A cruise,then—-------------, you know.Mark: ------------------- I'm eager to know what you pick.