雅思写作第 2 题——优缺点论文 IELTS Writing Task 2 - Advantages and Disadvantages Essay


Hello there thank you so much for joining me for this IELTS academic writing preparation video. Today, I'm going to be talking to you about the advantages and disadvantages essay.

Now you might be thinking that this seems like a very clear-cut and simple essay to write. After all, you have advantages and disadvantages.

But I'm going to show you that you'll need to pay extra attention to this tricky essay type, because there's actually more than meets the eye with advantages and disadvantages. So in this lesson, I'm going to go through the various types of writing prompts you might find for this essay.

And I'll teach you how to make a great outline with outline notes. And then we'll actually write a passage together.

So you can see my process and how I think through things. Okay, so without further ado, let's just talk a little bit about the scoring.

Now the scoring is the same for all essay types. Remember there are six essay types in the IELTS writing academic exam, but I'm going to show you how the scoring will play out for the advantages and disadvantages essay.

First off, you'll need to focus on your task achievement and this is probably the most important part and perhaps the most difficult part for the advantages and disadvantages essay. Basically, there are three different types of writing prompts that you might see on test day.

I will go through these with you in just a minute, but you'll need to understand how many advantages, how many disadvantages you'll need to write about and if you'll have to include your opinion. So a lot of students will forget to write their opinion if it's called for.

Or some students might not have time because they didn't plan well or because they didn't plan an outline. So there are various parts that you'll have to include in this essay.

I'm going to teach you how to understand which ones you have to include. In any case, the task achievement will judge your ability to fully develop your answer and answer the question in your writing prompt.
