6 Side Effects of Toxic families



Actress Angelina Jolie had a chaotic relationship with her father growing up.

As a result, she became estranged from him and even changed her last name to disconnect from all her painful memories.

She says,"I don't believe that somebody's family becomes their blood, families are earned".

Titles mean nothing when you never felt close to someone who was supposed to be there, but offered little to no support.

Does this sound familiar?

Here are 6 side effects of growing up in a toxic family.

1. You have a fear of being manipulated.

Toxic families often involve some sort of daily manipulation between 2 or more family members.

Manipulation is a serious form of mental and emotional abuse.

Whether you've been directly manipulated or watched someone you love be a victim to it, this can cause you to grow fearful of this toxic behavior.
