

一天中最佳锻炼身体时间是什么时候?Is there a best time to exercise

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With our already busy lives, finding time to exercise can feel like one more thing on our 'to do' list.

So maybe it would help if there was 'a best time' to exercise?

Could exercising at certain times help maximise our fitness goals?

The answer is 'yes', but it's easier than you thinkno matter who you are, or when you like to work out.

There are clear benefits to exercising in the morning.

Many of us have more free time compared to later in the day, and it may therefore be easier for us to stick to a morning workout routine.

A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that participants who exercised in the morning, increased their physical activity throughout the day, were less distracted by food, and slept better.
