最强英音:Jude Law 魔法学院的新院长



       「最强英音」系列我一直希望写下去,因为这些都是绝好的英音的典范。我有责任掘地三尺,将他们挖出来分享给伙伴们,让大家可以有更多的英音素材用于平时的练习。今天,我要给大家介绍的是一位发音相当纯正典雅的英国人。可能近几年来这位大叔在银幕中不经常出现,可是当年是全球知名的小鲜肉,Jude Law。他的中文翻译名也很有腔调,裘德洛。


Interview on Jude Law

I’m Jude Law. I’m an actor. And I’m from London, England. 

It shocked me that it was, that everything that I was reading or watching on television was so close at hand. Calais to me was always, it’s like a part of England, it’s just down the road.

The stories one was hearing were that it was this horrific place of violence, that it was dangerous, that it was unsanitary.

But when I was there, I got an overriding sense of civility actually of organization and people, people holding on to their dignity and their pride in extreme circumstances. Art can have, in whatever medium, can have a great effect on people in ways that are sometimes subconscious. So, telling stories may change their opinion, or at least make a story more palatable or more understandable which I think is at the heart of this project and why it’s so interesting.

Refugees, we are all in a way refugees. You know my parents are both adopted and I have no idea who my father, my paternal grandfather or grandmother is or was or where I’m from.

Whatever the colour of your skin, whoever you are, that we share the same coloured blood and that blood therefore is this strange, almost, sort of, river in which we all, as subsidiaries come in to. 

My blood and refugee blood is the same. Underneath the skin we’re all the same.  


horrific /hərˈɪfɪk/ adj. 可怕的

unsanitary /ʌnˈsæn.ɪ.tər.i/ adj. 不卫生的

civility /sɪˈvɪl.ə.ti/ n. 礼貌

subconscious /sʌbˈkɒn.ʃəs/ adj. 潜意识的

palatable /ˈpæl.ə.tə.bəl/ adj. 美味的,使人愉悦的

subsidiary /səbˈsɪd.i.ər.i/ n. 附属机构

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge Pronunciation Dictionary


  1. 留意英音中梅花音的精确和饱满,比如actor。

  2. 留意语速较快是的一些t的弱送气现象。

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Jude Law


        Jude Law那一身英伦范,特别是忧郁的眼神,似乎一直具有强大的吸粉能力。我记忆中最早认识到他的是《人工智能》中他饰演的机器人。后来,才知道原来《兵临城下》的苏军狙击手也是他饰演。近几年发现他戏路极广,从《大侦探福尔摩斯》中的英国绅士华生医生到《亚瑟王》中的大反派。从历史剧《安娜卡列尼娜》到魔幻剧《神奇的动物在哪里2》中的年轻邓布利多。实在佩服他的戏路之宽。




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