

18-7-4 【最简美式口语057】Good luck vs.Bad luck 祸不单行,求好运的秘密

微信公众号:【英语PK台】每日18点推送当日课堂音频及全文本参加课堂语音互动加京晶微信:goingforgold2018 验证注明添加理由联系主持人 新浪微博: @京晶am774 @英语PK台14点、22点直播互动区:http://t.cn/R648k8q  Mark:  Sorry I'm late. I missed the subway--  It was just pulling away.  So, I had towait another five minutes for the next one. ------topped at almost every flooron the way up here.Jingjing:  It's actually fortunate.------ to finish up some work.  Actually, would you mind waiting anotherfive minutes or so?Mark:  That's fine. It'll give me a chance to catch my breath.Jingjing:  Great. Say, what's that on your shoulder?Mark:  What?  Eww! --------. It's dried already.  But I'll have to excuse myself for a fewminutes and change shirts.Jingjing:  You have anextra shirt with you? --------Mark:  Yeah, I guess so. I'll be right back.---Jingjing:  All ready to gonow?Mark:  Yeah.  Did youfinish your work?Jingjing:  Just now. ---------. Let's go to lunch.Mark:  Great.  I'msuper hungry.Jingjing:  Me too. Have you watched any of the World Cup?Mark:  Yeah, I went with ------placeto watch the Russia-Spain game.  I bet on Spain and ended up having to ------andbeer because Spain lost on penalties.  And then my friend'sfriend showed up and --------- round of beers and more food.Jingjing:  Haha.  Andthe friendly bet you and I made last week isn't looking too good for you.Mark:  Oh, that too! ------- that so much.Jingjing:  ------------Mark:  Let's hope it'll turnaround. dialogue 2Jingjing:  Mark, what'syour philosophy about luck?Mark:  I usually have goodluck.Jingjing:  Just not today,right?Mark:  I don't ---------ownluck.  That might jinx it.Jingjing:  Anyway, youknow -------: misfortune comes in threes.Mark:  Tell me more aboutluck, as you see it.Jingjing:  Well, I think alot of it has to do with attitude.Mark:  You mean if you ------------Jingjing:  It's likefinding a four-leaf clover.Mark:  Huh? ---------visual-spatialintelligence?Jingjing:  It might be. But even --------- has to keep their eyes open and expect to findsomething good.Mark:  That sounds like agood mindset.  Thanks, Jingjing!Jingjing:  Hey, I'm happyto help!